Saturday, March 27, 2010

18 Days

It's exactly that much days until I see you again and I can't wait. We're gonna have so much fun spending every minute with each other. In probably two or three months, you'll be the one waiting for me. It's so exciting how everything's falling into place. How five months ago, we hardly even had a plan. Yet here we are five months later...

I love you so much baby... And God knows how much I've dreamed about this. Having you by my side again, being able to hug and kiss you... I'm so thankful we made it through all the stupid fights. Love, I promise to try harder to control my temper. You know I'll do anything for you.

Okay, I'm sleepy na. I'll talk to you when I wake up. I love you so much.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Random Ramblings

You never fail to impress me with your patience and understanding. I've never felt so flawed and so loved at the same time. You've showed me love far greater than I have ever imagined. For that, I will forever be grateful. For that, I promise to never fail you. I never dreamed anything close to the happiness I feel with you existed. You make this long distance relationship seem like a breeze.

I'm sorry for the times I screamed irrationally at you. You know how bad my temper could get.

We do have our fair share of misunderstandings but we always manage to rise above. We made it through this far. And soon, I'll be holding your hand again. I love you so much.